Friday, May 21, 2010


It has come to the Boards attention that the neighborhood is having a cat issue. As the last newsletter went out, we have asked that if you have any pets, to keep them on a leash or in your yard. If they use the restroom to please pick it up. As for the cats, if we start seeing more stray cats roaming and no one taking responsibility for them, we will be forced to call animal control. The month of June is around the corner and it is pet appreciation month. Some animal shelters will be giving discounts for spay or neuters.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April Updates

We as the board would like to inform you the community of the following:

The semi-annual neighborhood garage sale will be 4/30-5/1 from 9-3. Postcards will be mailed out to remind you.

We also have the link for the cameras at the gate. The link is , the log in is 7 and the password is 0000. If you have any questions or comments you may email the board at

This website is to help the community stay informed and up to date with what's going on.

The following people make up the Board of Directors:
President-Robby Steele
Vice President-Michael Teschendorf
Secretary-Rosemary Hernandez
Treasurer-Howard Reed Jr
Director-Catherine Ybarra

We can be reached at the above email address at anytime.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Welcome to Crossing at Quail Creek Blog

We as a community are trying something new. We would like to reach out to our neighbors to try and make it a comfortable living environment. By accomplishing this goal, there will be monthly updates on any events, social gatherings, and/or news to keep you better informed. If you have any questions feel free to blog back or send us an email. We are here to listen.

Board of Directors list will follow with names and email addresses.